
Hypertension is one of those diseases that can creep up on you and lead to severe complications if not managed well. This article is about the natural ways to control Hypertension. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the unit area of the wall of blood vessels. Hypertension, in simple terms, is high blood pressure. The normal blood pressure of an average adult should be around 120/80 mm Hg.


The upper value represents the systolic pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood on vessels when the heart contracts to pump the blood. The lower value represents the diastolic pressure exerted on the blood vessels during the relaxation of the heart. An increased blood pressure puts the blood vessels at a greater risk of damage because of a greater force exerted on the blood vessels. Another term used for Hypertension is “silent killer” because of how it creeps up on you. Hypertension is not usually recognized before it causes significant damage to the heart and other organ systems.


What are Home Remedies for Hypertension?


Though Hypertension is a severe and health-threatening condition, there are certain natural ways to deal with Hypertension at home. A detailed description of natural home-based remedies of Hypertension is in the following section.


1) Increased Physical Activity and Exercise



An increase in physical activity can significantly lower blood pressure. Regular exercise increases the pumping capability of the heart and increases the breathing rate. At the same time, regular exercise lowers the blood cholesterol level. A decreased blood cholesterol level reduces atherosclerosis and the thickening of walls of blood vessels. This all leads to lower blood pressure.


In 2013 a research study was conducted on older adults. The older adults who participated in the aerobic exercise reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after a certain period. The reduction in systolic pressure was 3.9 percent, and the reduction in diastolic pressure was 4.5 percent. This effect of aerobic exercises on blood pressure approaches the effect of antihypertensive drugs. It is not necessary to choose vigorous exercises for coping with Hypertension. Simple exercises such as running and jogging can help hypertension patients. You can also take certain hobbies to increase your physical activity, such as gardening and pet keeping.


2) Reduction in Sodium Intake



An increased intake of sodium is the leading factor responsible for an increase in the cases of Hypertension. In the present era, we use highly processed and refined foods which are enriched with sodium. An increased sodium concentration in the body leads to increased water retention to keep the osmotic balance. This subsequently leads to an increased blood volume and blood pressure.


If someone is already suffering from Hypertension, he must cut the intake of sodium. Though sodium does not affect all people equally. Some people are at more risk of getting Hypertension after taking more sodium. Different responses to sodium in different people can be due to genetic differences.


3) Eat Less Processed Food



The trend of eating highly processed foods is increasing with every passing day. These highly processed foods are delicious but not less than a sweet toxin. These highly processed foods contain a lot of salts and highly processed carbohydrates. These highly processed carbohydrates are involved in increasing blood pressure.


If you cut down or cut out the highly processed foods from the diet plan, you will reduce salts and processed carbohydrates in the body. All this can contribute to keeping your blood pressure under control. Instead of market products, the less processed foods that you can take include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


The list of less processed foods also contains raw meats, natural dairy products having low-fat content, fish, and nuts. These less-processed foods used to control Hypertension are also termed DASH (Dietary approach to stop Hypertension) diet. Limiting your diet plan to DASH foods can lower your blood pressure up to 10 mm Hg.


4) Stop Smoking



Smoking cessation is one of the essential lifestyle changes needed for hypertensive patients. Smoking is among the few factors that are extremely dangerous for heart health. Each puff of the cigarette contains several chemicals that damage the wall of blood vessels. Though smoking is not alone responsible for Hypertension, it can significantly contribute towards the development of Hypertension in co-existence with other risk factors.


5) Reduce Alcohol Intake



Though a limited alcohol intake is considered healthy, its ingestion in massive amounts leads to several health issues, including Hypertension. In recent studies, alcohol has been found responsible for Hypertension in more than 15 percent of patients Hypertension. The exact mechanism of alcohol in causing Hypertension is under investigation. But some researchers believe that it might be due to alcohol-mediated renal damage.


6) Proper Stress Management


Stress is the leading cause of Hypertension in the present era. During mental stress, the human body is continuously in a fight or flight condition. This fight or flight condition causes extensive activation of the sympathetic system. There are receptors of the sympathetic system on blood vessels and the heart.


The activation of these receptors leads to the narrowing of blood vessels. At the same time, the activation of sympathetic receptors of the heart increases cardiac output. The combined effect of increased cardiac output and vessel narrowing is raised blood pressure.


Several types of research were conducted to see the effect of stress lowering practices on blood pressure. According to those studies, stress-relieving activities such as relaxing music and regular exercise can lower blood pressure. One can also consult a psychologist to keep his stress level under control.


7) Intake of Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Powder



Taking dark chocolate or cocoa powder in an appropriate amount can lower blood pressure. The blood pressure-lowering capability of dark chocolate and coca is due to the presence of flavonoids in them. Flavonoids are plant-derived compounds that have vasodilating effects on the blood vessels. This blood pressure-lowering effect of these compounds is not just a myth; instead, it has been proven through research studies. The non-alkalized form of the coca is particularly beneficial for controlling blood pressure. Non-alkalized cocoa has the highest amount of flavonoids and does not contain any added sugar content.


8) Weight Loss


Blood pressure and the weight of our bodies go hand in hand. A sedentary lifestyle and food choices in the present era lead to weight-related issues more than ever before. An increase in weight directly puts pressure on some organs and their blood vessels. This pressure on the blood vessels leads to Hypertension. Additionally, an increased body weight means an excess of cholesterol and other fats in the body. These fats deposit in the walls of blood vessels leading to their stiffness and subsequent Hypertension.


Weight loss has an extraordinary effect on blood pressure. Loss of just 10 pounds body weight can lower blood pressure to a noticeable value.  There are various strategies for weight loss. A combination of regular exercise and diet control is needed to get faster weight loss goals.


9) Intake of Herbal Medicines

Herbal medicines have been in common use for a long in different parts of the world. Some herbal medicines have also shown their blood lowering effect in hypertensive patients. The herbs and plants used for lowering blood pressure include black beans, celery juice, Chinese Hawthorne, and ginger root. The list of these herbs also includes sesame oil, river lily, roselle, and Indian Plantago. Before taking any herbal medicine, one must consult his doctor. The herbal medicine may interfere with the effect of allopathic drugs leading to severe outcomes.


10) Blood Pressure Lowering Supplements

Some supplements can lower blood pressure without having any severe side effects. These supplements include omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, whey proteins, magnesium, coenzyme Q 10, and citrulline.


11) Cutting off the Caffeine Intake

Caffeine has a temporary effect on blood pressure; it suddenly raises blood pressure. For a healthy person, this quick rise in blood pressure is not a red signal. But if someone already has Hypertension, he may suffer severe results after consuming coffee or other caffeine products.


12) Garlic



Garlic and its extract is a common home-based remedy for Hypertension. According to the clinical trials carried on hypertensive patients, the time-release form of garlic extract has a more blood pressure-lowering effect than regular garlic extract.


In 2012, a research study was conducted on 87 patients with Hypertension. According to the results of that study, 87 patients showed a 12 mm Hg fall in systolic pressure. The decrease in the diastolic pressure was around 6 mm Hg.


The Takeaway Message


Hypertension is one of the most common chronic diseases in the present era. In Hypertension, there is a rise in blood pressure above the average level. There are various causes of Hypertension. However, there is a significant contribution of our food and lifestyle choices in the drastic increase of Hypertension.


Though Hypertension is a severe condition, we can keep our blood pressure in control with the help of some home-based remedies and lifestyle changes. Regular exercise, weight loss, and intake of less processed foods can help lower blood pressure.


A reduction in smoking and alcohol ingestion is also essential for lowering blood pressure. Reducing mental stress can also decrease blood pressure. Specific products such as dark chocolate, cocoa, and antihypertensive supplements have also been proven beneficial for hypertension patients. Stress management is also considered an essential pillar in lowering blood pressure.




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