
Beetroot: Its Nutritional Constituents and Health Benefits

Beetroot is known as among the superfoods. It is because of the high amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals in it. In this article, we will discuss the nutrition facts of beetroot and the health benefits associated with consuming it.



Nutrition Facts about Beetroot


A cup of beetroot contains only around 60 calories. A 100 grams serving of beetroot contains 1.6 grams of protein, 9.6 grams of carbs, and 2.8 grams of fiber. What’s more, there is minimal fat in the roots. It contains around 10% of carbs. Glucose and fructose have around 70% of carbs in raw form. What’s more, they also contain short-chain carbohydrates called fructans.


What’s more, beetroots come under the category of medium Glycemic Index food and have a rating of 61. What’s more, it has a low glycemic load of beetroot, which makes it have a very low impact on blood glucose levels. It is because there is less total carb quantity in one serving.




Beetroots have high fiber content – they have 2 to 3 grams in 100 grams of raw serving. What’s more, fiber is considered an important component of a balanced diet and associated with a lowered risk of different diseases.


Vitamins and Minerals


Vitamins and minerals are present in a high amount in beetroot. Folate is present, which is important for cell regulation and tissue growth and development. Manganese is also present in beetroots and contains legumes, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. What’s more, beetroots also contain potassium that aids in the regulation of blood pressure in the body. It is also associated with improved heart health. Iron is also helpful for a lot of functions in the body. It is helpful for oxygen transportation present in different red blood cells. Also, beetroot contains a high amount of vitamin C that acts as an anti-inflammatory substance and supports tissue health and immunity.




Betanin is the color component of beetroot which gives it the characteristic tint of red. It is known to be a strong anti-oxidant. There is also inorganic nitrate present in the beetroot that works for various functions in the body. Vulgaxanthin is also a pigment found in beetroot, which acts as a strong antioxidant substance. Nitric oxide, nitrites, and nitrates come in the category of inorganic nitrates. It is believed that the high dietary nitrate and nitrite present in the beetroots work to give various benefits such as regulation of blood pressure levels, a decrease in the risk of many diseases.


The substance also helps in the regulation of blood pressure in the body. It is possible as the nitrates and nitrites present in the beetroot convert into nitric oxide. The nitric oxide, in return, sends signals in the muscles of the arterial wall surroundings. As a result, the arteries get relaxed as the walls get dilated. As a result, the blood pressure drops. It is recommended to take a cup of beetroot juice daily for reducing systolic blood pressure levels up to 5 mmHg. Therefore, we can say that beetroot comes as a competent supplement to treat and prevent different cardiovascular disorders.



Health Benefits of Beetroot


These are the health benefits of beetroot:


1) Helps with Cardiac Condition


The beetroots contain a high amount of nitrate them which acts to improve muscle coordination and power. It obviously also affects the cardiac heart as well. Studies show that patients who undergo heart failure can function better if they include a glass of beetroot juice in their daily routine. It shows to improve muscle power.


2) Beetroot Improves Exercise Stamina


The nitrates present in the beetroot also aid in improving the overall stamina and performance needed for effective workouts. It is because of the increase of oxygen circulation towards our muscles. It makes us better able to perform for more time than usual. You can see a 16% increase in your exercise stamina as you take beetroot juice regularly.


3)Fights Against Tumor Cells


Some research also shows that beetroots fight against tumorous cells. Although the studies are running on an initial level, the results show promising effects. The betalain pigments found in beetroots reduce the size of the tumor cells in animal studies. It is specifically helpful for the prevention of breast cancer and prostate cancer.


4) Improvement in Chronic Diseases


There are different chronic diseases that require life-long management. Although there is no treatment for them, the use of therapeutic sources helps in improving the symptoms of the condition.


5) Diabetes and Glucose Metabolism Disorders


Alpha-Lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant and is shown to have a positive association with the regulation of blood glucose levels. What’s more, it also fights insulin resistance in patients with disturbed glucose metabolism, such as diabetes. What’s more, it also fights against different symptoms such as hyperglycemia and diabetic neuropathy.


6) Memory Loss


Dementia is the gradual memory loss of an individual which affects the quality of life. A diet high in nitrate improves the overall flow of oxygen towards brain cells and helps with the reduction and prevention of dementia in people.




What’s more, beetroot helps to prevent weight gain and obesity. People having trouble losing weight because of unfulfilled satiety can take the help of beetroot. The high fiber content makes it great for improving satiety levels among people. What’s more, 100 grams of beetroots contain protein up to 3% of the


Recommended Dietary Allowance, which makes 1.7 grams of the protein. You get to have more fiber and protein in low caloric amounts, which makes it highly beneficial for people struggling with weight loss.


8) Improves Potassium Intake


Potassium is a highly important mineral for the body, the deficiency of which results in a number of symptoms. Problems related to the digestive tract, blood pressure, weakness, and anxiety can prevail in the deficiency of this mineral. Luckily, beetroot contains up to 9% of the RDA of this mineral in one hundred grams of it. Of course, you can level up the deficiency as you include beetroot in your diet.


9) Reduces Body Inflammation


Beetroot also contains betalains pigments in it that fight inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the immune response in the body that gets triggered in the presence of a chronic or acute condition. Improving your dietary habits in which high fruit and vegetable intake are a must improves your overall resistance against inflammation.


10) Improves Bone Health


Beetroot contains 6% of the RDA of magnesium per 100 grams serving. What’s more, folate and copper are also present in beetroot, which acts to improve overall bone health.


11) Improves Liver Health


The liver is the main detoxification center of the body. A regular intake of beetroot juice serves to improve the enzymes in the liver, which overall protects the organ and makes it more functional. If you want to improve your liver health, make sure you focus on taking high-antioxidant foods such as beetroot.


12) Promotes Healthy Pregnancy


Beetroot contains a massive 20% of RDA of folate per 100 grams of it. It happens to improve tissue growth as well as repair and development. That is why it is highly important to take folate in pregnancy so that there is a risk reduction in the birth defects of the baby. Furthermore, it also helps the mother stay protected against developing anemia and other enzymatic deficiencies in their body.


13) Improves Gut Flora


Beetroot serves as a beneficial ingredient for digestive health. It has a high amount of fiber or complex carbs that are consumed as food by the gut microflora to release helpful ingredients in the body. In order to improve the overall gut health of the body, you can include high-fiber foods in your diet, such as beetroot.


Inflammatory Bowel Disease and constipation are some usual conditions that require high antioxidants and fiber. Luckily, beetroot contains both of them. If you want to relieve symptoms like constipation, then you can take beetroot in your daily diet. The advantages are beyond your expectations.



The Takeaway Message


Beetroot is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. All of these components are highly important for the human body to maintain good health and reduce the incidence of certain body conditions. These include inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, neural tube defects, anemia, enzyme liver deficiency, osteoporosis, osteopenia, inflammation, immune and cancer disorders, and the list goes on. It also helps in the regulation of blood pressure values due to the presence of nitrates and potassium in it. Most people take beetroot in raw form or juice form. However, you can also consume the vegetable by boiling it. Make sure to not overdo with boiling as the water-soluble vitamins in the beetroot might get evaporated in the atmosphere.


Final Word


Beetroot is considered a superfood to consume for all the right reasons. It has been noted that consuming beetroot in daily routine manifests visible effects on human health, such as improvement in blood pressure up to 5 mm Hg of systolic level. What’s more, it has great components such as Betalains and several other phytochemicals and flavonoids that serve to fight oxidative stress in the body, a limiting factor for the health of the human body.



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