Health Benefits of Kiwi and It’s Nutritional value






You are opting for a healthy diet and added kiwi fruit skin. I must say you just made one of the best decisions for you and will regret it after grasping the information regarding its skin benefits.


So, I will not further check your patience. 


Why is Kiwi So Important?



Let’s dive into the kiwi skin world. As the name depicts, it is the peel of kiwi fruit, which has a long history.


So, let’s cut it short. Kiwi is known as Chinese gooseberry and is derived from the vines of the Actinidia genus plants category. It originated in China around the 1600s and is known as ‘yang tao’ because of its lofty relish among the Chinese.


In 1904 a school teacher in New Zealand, Isabel Fraser, brought seeds along with him while traveling back to his homeland from China. It gained popularity in New Zealand; its export started with the name of the kiwi, an endemic flightless bird in New Zealand.


Botanically, the classification of kiwi is as berries, and the most consumable berries are Actinidia deliciosa and A. Chinese; the latter is renowned due to Hayward Wright, a man who made kiwis famous in the 1920s in New Zealand.


Kiwis are now cultivated around the globe, and New Zealand is the top producer of this healthy fruit.



Something About Kiwi


Kiwi is categorized as an edible berry with fuzzy brown outer skin, the flesh of vibrant yellow or green color, a succulent core, and dark black seeds.


Kiwi fruit skin or kiwi’s skin is a brownish fuzzy edible texture that could be pulled from the kiwi to use in daily meals or for skin purposes.


Controversy exists regarding its skin eating, and despite its love among people, some don’t like its texture. But, if you ask, is it edible or not?


The answer is, Yes!


Nutrients in Kiwi Fruit Skin


Kiwi Fruit is rich in nutrients, and the same is true for its peel.


The nutrient profile is quite impressive.


The following breakdown depicts the nutrients quantity count in 100 grams of kiwi flesh:

Total Calories Count: 64

Vitamin C: 83% of the Daily Value (DV)

Vitamin E: 9% of the DV

Vitamin K: 34% of the DV

Folate: 7% of the DV

Copper: 15% of the DV

Potassium: 4% of the DV

Magnesium: 4% of the DV

Carbs: 14 g

Fiber: 3 g

Fat: 0.44 g

Protein: 1 g

If you are taking the Kiwi’s skin, then it decreases the deficiency of these nutrients up to 50%.




It’s an indigestible carbohydrate that can’t be broken into sugar molecules and excreted from the body undigested.


Fibers were categorized into two:

  • Soluble (soluble in water)
  • Insoluble (not soluble in water)


Eating kiwi peel can play a significant role in functions like

  • Lowering Glucose level
  • Controlling Cholesterol
  • Commuting food to the digestive system
  • Helps in avoiding constipation

If you are intaking kiwi skin, then it raises the level of fiber to 50%.




The organic molecules which are indispensable for organisms for their proper metabolic functioning but are required in small quantities are called vitamins.


Vitamin C


It is also known as Ascorbic acid, and the kiwi skin is rich in it. If you eat kiwi skin, it will aid in elevating the skin elasticity due to collagen formation and strengthening joints along with tissues.


Following are the problems which may occur due to less Ascorbic acid in the body

  • Tooth problems
  • Anemia
  • Bruising
  • Dry skin and hair


Vitamin E


It’s an antioxidant which means it fights free radicals (an offshoot of natural processes and being exposed to noxious environmental conditions, which include digestion, exercise, tobacco and air pollution, etc.) like an army fighting with enemies to refrain the radicals from damaging or disturbing the cells.


Kiwi skin can help in maintaining.

  • Vision
  • Skin
  • Brain health
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Reproductive and Cardiovascular system
  • Beneficial for people suffering from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
  • Improvement in the Antioxidant defense


All these are the perks of Vitamin E.


The deficiency of this vitamin can cause:

  • Weak Immunity System
  • Eyesight problems
  • Less motion control of the body
  • Nerves and muscle damage lead to weak muscles and a feeling of no movement in arms and legs.


Kiwi skin can raise the vitamin E concentration by 34%.


Vitamin B9 or B12


Folate is another name used for vitamin B9 or B. It is a water-soluble vitamin and is used as an alternative to folic acid because of its rational absorbing ability.


It is found natural naturally in Kiwi Skin and other fruits as well


It aids in

  • DNA and RNA formation are the signs of growth of cells and tissues in conditions like pregnancy, infancy, and adolescence
  • Take part in the metabolism of protein.
  • Its deficiency can result in the formation of huge Red blood cells( RBC), which will not work appropriately.


Your folate percentage can be boosted by 32 % by eating Kiwi skin.


If you are suffering from any of the diseases discussed above, then you should follow a proper healthy diet that provides you with all the nutrients necessary for your proper growth.



Health Benefits


As it is said, Health is wealth. So, we all should pay attention to our health. Kiwi fruit skin has enormous benefits. Let’s discuss them one by one:


Vision Loss Prevention

Kiwi fruit and its skin contain zeaxanthin and lutein compounds which abstain from degeneration of macular and function as an antioxidant.


Digestive Benefits


Kiwi fruit skin contains a fiber that can retain the water and results in its inflammation compared to others. It will result in improved consistency in stool and reduces the digestion time.


A study carried out on people suffering from acute constipation concluded that those who were eating two kiwis or kiwis skin every day for consecutive four weeks had improved bowel movement and digestion.


Cholesterol Level Improvement

Intake of two kiwis every day for two months will result in the reduction of noxious LDL cholesterol oxidation and elevates the HDL cholesterol levels.


Improving Iron Deficiency

If you want to eradicate the deficiency of iron, then you should pair up the iron-rich fruits with kiwi skin or kiwi to raise the iron absorption in the body.


Immunity Improvement

If you are suffering from sore throat and head obstruction, then eating kiwi skin helps you to increase your immunity.


Adding Skin of kiwi is pragmatic because it not only gives you energy but as provides you with all the nutrients that you need to be healthy.



Is Yellow Or Green Kiwi Better?

If you ask for a straight, Yes or No, then it’s not possible because both are beneficial in different aspects.

Research says that the yellow or golden kiwifruit contains twice the amount of Vitamin C, ample to complete the everyday needs, and if you eat its green cousin skin, then it has 1.5 times more dietary fiber.


Does Kiwi Skin Or Kiwi Fruit Burn Fat?

Kiwi doesn’t play a role in burning fat, but it aids in filling your fatty tummy without a plethora of calories. As it contains fewer calories and energy density which helps individuals to reduce their weight.


Can I Drink Milk After Kiwi Skin?

Mixing kiwi skin or kiwi with any gelatin or dairy product could be dangerous because it contains an allergen named Actinidin and may result in health issues.


So, don’t mix any milk products while baking or cooking.


Is Kiwi Skin An Antibiotic?

Kiwi peel is enriched with phenolics and flavonoids, and that is why it acts as an anti-bacterial and antioxidant or antibiotic.


Why Is Kiwi Called A Miracle Fruit?

Kiwi appears to be a miracle fruit in the whole fruit family. All this is because of the abundance of nutrients which include carbs, vitamins ( B1, B2, B3, etc.), Magnesium, Zinc, Niacin, and Manganese.


Is Kiwi Skin Or Kiwi Good For Hormones?

The peel of kiwi or kiwi fruit is beneficial for women with active reproductive hormones (middle age), and this declines the probability of fluctuating hormonal diseases.


Is Kiwi Or Kiwi Skin A Blood Thinner?

If you are taking kiwi along with medications that thin your blood, then it slows down blood clotting, which may result in increased bleeding.


Does Kiwifruit Skin Whiten Skin?

It plays an important role in skin whitening because it contains collagen, which helps in giving a fair effect.


Preeti Seth, a cosmetologist, said


“Use it by mixing face packs and toner. It functions as a bleaching agent. It can be used as a scrubber and cleans or repairs the skin within no time.”


Is Eating Kiwi At Night Good?


It was concluded from the research that those who ate kiwis one hour before going to bed had good sleep quality and immediately fell asleep etc.



The Bottom Line:


To recapitulate, I want to rehash that the kiwi skin has undeniable extravagant advantages for health and the body if you are going through any vitamin or fiber deficiency, getting obese, and suffering from chronic diseases.


Kiwi peel is a rational addition to your daily diet plan.


1) Hunter, D. C., Greenwood, J., Zhang, J., & Skinner, M. A. (2011). Antioxidant and 'natural protective' properties of kiwifruit. Current topics in medicinal chemistry, 11(14), 1811–1820.

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